Our goals

The Center provides consultant services and collaborative research for industrial companies in the area of qualitative and quantitative analysis, structure elucidation, and organic synthesis. The Center fosters collaborative agreements between Miami University and industrial companies in the generation of internships and scholarships for Miami University students. The Center develops courses and seminars to educate students about industrial chemistry in order to accomplish our goal of strengthening the ties between Miami University and industrial companies.

What we do:

Educating, Consulting, and Servicing Students and Companies

Our Mission: Fostering ties between Miami University and Industry

The purpose of the Center for Industrial Chemistry is to strengthen ties between Miami University and industrial companies. These ties will better prepare our students to participate in the workforce as professional chemists through educational programs, research projects and other collaborative endeavors. The Center develops courses and seminars to educate the students about industrial chemistry in order to accomplish our goal of strengthening the ties between Miami University and industrial companies. The Center fosters the generation of internships and scholarships for Miami University students by interested companies. The Center provides consultant services and foster research collaborations for industrial companies. The expertise of the Center includes comprehensive analysis of pharmaceutical samples to meet FDA requirements, the diagnosis of troubled process caused by minor impurity, in-depth literature searching, and contract multi-step organic synthesis. The Center develops distance learning courses for interested industrial company employees. The content includes analysis and separation techniques, spectroscopy, and multi-step synthesis.

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