Instructions for 3D Visualization
Via Stereo Pairs

Most of you will be able to view the three dimensional aspects of these stereo pair images by:

  1. Aligning your eyes in a parallel position, as they would be aligned in looking at an object at a distance. Looking toward a distant object might help at this step.
  2. Without changing the parallel alignment of your eyes, look at the left image with your left eye and the right image with your right eye. Three blurred images should be apparent.
  3. Without changing the parallel alignment of your eyes, focus them on the left and right images. The center image should come into focus and appear three dimensional, while the lateral images will remain slightly out of focus. This is the hardest step in the procedure, since our natural tendency is to converge our eyes when focussing them at something near. With a little bit of practice, most people can learn to overide this tendency and focus on the images while maintaining parallel alignment of their eyes. If you cross your eyes, a pseudoscopic image will form, in which depth will appear inverted.
  4. NB. Some browsers may display these images at dimensions too large to achieve a three dimensional image. If this is the case, you should scale the images to ca. 15 cm in width.
  5. Some of you (about 15% of the human population) will be unable to achieve a three dimensional image. Too bad for you. There's nothing you can do about it, since it apparently is related to the way in which your brain is wired.