mcmcpvalue <- function(X) { ##From Bates pers comm. September 14, 2006 2:59:23 PM EDT ## elementary version that creates an empirical p-value for the ## hypothesis that the columns of samp have mean zero versus a ## general multivariate distribution with elliptical contours. # samp <- rnorm(10000, m=3) ## differences from the mean standardized by the observed ## variance-covariance factor if(class(X) == "numeric") samp <- as.matrix(X) else{ samp <- t( X ) } std <- backsolve(chol(var(samp)), cbind(0, t(samp)) - colMeans(samp), transpose = TRUE) sqdist <- colSums(std * std) sum(sqdist[-1] > sqdist[1])/nrow(samp) } aov.Bayes <- function(mod,, n=100, mcSamp=TRUE, ...) { ## after ideas by Bates and others Sept. 2005 ## is mcmcsamp output if(any(attr(mod @ X, "contrasts") == "contr.treatment") == TRUE) { print("Danger! Danger! Contrasts not orthogonal! This will alter the conclusions from the Bates.Bayes empirical P-values") } #mc.out <- mixed.mod.out.fixed(mod, N=n) sources <- attr(mod @ X, "assign") aov.lmer <- anova(mod) mod.reml <- summary(mod) df1 <- dim(mod @ X)[1] - dim(mod @ X)[2] dfhatTr <- dim(mod @ X)[1] - sum(aov.lmer[,1]) MS.Resid <- mod.reml @ sigma ^ 2 F <- aov.lmer$"Mean Sq"/MS.Resid P.sum <- 1-pf(F, aov.lmer$Df, dfhatTr) aov.out <- data.frame(aov.lmer, P.sum=round(P.sum,4)) nextrows <- dim(aov.out)[1]+1 aov.out[nextrows,] <- matrix( c(dfhatTr, NA, MS.Resid, NA, NA), nrow=1) rownames(aov.out)[nextrows] <- "Residuals (Tr(hat))" ## mc.out is the output of mixed.mod.out ## sources is a list which includes the groups of coefficients ## that comprise a "factor" if(mcSamp==TRUE){ <- mcmcsamp(mod, n=n) hpds <- lme4::HPDinterval(} ## Bayes <- sapply(sources, function(x) if(length(x)==1) { ## mcmcpvalue1(mcsam[,x])} else mcmcpvalue(mcsam[,x]) ) Bayes <- sapply(unique(sources[-1]), function(x) { rows <- which(sources==x) mcmcpvalue([rows,])} ) #aov.out$"P(H|D)" <- round(c(Bayes, NA), 4) aov.out$"P(H|D)" <- round(c(Bayes, NA), floor(log10(n))) list(, coeff = hpds) }