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Cold and Palms

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Syllabus for BZ 342 Genetics 2007

Identification of Griffiths transforming principle

1931 Henry Dawson - Repeats Griffith's Experiments and develops assay that does not require mice.
1933 Lional Allway - Demonstrated that a soluble extract of IIS cells would transform IIR cells.

1944 Avery, MacLeod and McCarty - Identified Griffith's Transforming Principle. CD

Eliminate Polysaccharides -->Transformation Occurs
Eliminate Lipids -->Transformation Occurs
Eliminater RNA -->Transformation Occurs
Eliminate Protein -->Transformation Occurs
Eliminate DNA -->Transformation Does Not Occurs:


Therefore DNA is the Transforming Principle Summary.



This web site is provided for instruction in Botany and Zoology 342 or Genetics 342

Text: Genetics: A conceptural ApproachBenjamin A Pierce

This is our friend Oliver the parrotlet, a true parrot, the smallest in the world.


by Kenneth G. Wilson,
Professor of Botany
Miami University