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Genetic 342 A&B

Kenneth G Wilson

Professory of Botany

Team Projects -

Goal - Gain an understanding of the importance of research teams developing individual organism for research.

Objectives -

  1. Come to class with a list of five organisms for investigation. Organisms chosen must have DNA sequence completely known and be useful in genetic studies.
  2. Develop a team attitude with a group leader.
  3. Choose an organism of interest - (Each group will prepare a ranked list of five organisms that you would like to study - get approval from KGW for organism)
  4. As a team to develop a presentation for the class or group.
  5. Present information to the class on the research organism chosen
  6. We will develop criteria for grading as a class.

This is our friend Oliver the parrotlet,

Oliver is a true parrot,

the smallest in the world.